#History of Master of Chemistry Study Program
The Master of Chemistry Study Program (MCSP), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Islamic University of Indonesia (FMIPA-UII) is a new study program that was established in 2018. The Master of Chemistry Study Program is the 4th study program under the auspices of the Department of Chemistry, FMIPA, in addition to the Chemistry Study Program, S1 Chemical Education, and D3 Chemical Analysis based on the Decree of the Director-General of DIKTI No.1142 / KPT / 1/2018.
The establishment of the MCSP FMIPA UII was motivated by the high market demand for chemistry graduates with master competencies, such as researchers in private and government research institutions, consultants/experts in various fields of chemistry, lecturers/teachers, and research-based entrepreneur (techno / sciencepreneur). In addition, with the establishment of MCSP FMIPA UII, it will improve the quality of research results and outputs from the Department of Chemistry, FMIPA UII in particular, and UII in general.
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Angkatan 7 Perkuliahan September 2022
Telah dibuka pendaftaran mahasiswa baru prodi Magister Kimia Tahun Akademik 2022/2023 perkuliahan September 2022. Prodi Magister Kimia menawarkan 3 (tiga) konsentrasi sebagai berikut:
- Pengembangan Minyak Atsiri dan Produk Turunannya
- Material untuk energi dan lingkungan
- Pengembangan bahan alam untuk kesehatan dan pangan
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Laboratorium Terpadu UII merupakan laboratorium yang terintegrasi dengan peralatan dan instrumen yang mutakhir
Program Studi Magister Kimia,Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Gedung Prof. Dr. H. Zanzawi Soejoeti, M.Sc. Kampus Terpadu Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jalan Kaliurang KM. 14,5 Sleman 55584 Kotak Pos 75 Telepon: (0274) 895920, email: [email protected]