Publikasi Riset Program Studi Kimia
Hasil-hasil penelitian dosen Program Studi Kimia telah dipublikasikan di berbagai forum seperti Seminar, Simposium, Lokakarya dan Jurnal, baik yang berskala nasional maupun internasional. sejak awal Pendiriannya, telah dipublikasikan hasil penelitian Program Studi Kimia di jurnal/seminar sebanyak 164 judul terdistribusi ke dalam jurnal dan prosiding nasional dan internasional sebagaimana disajikan pada Tebel 1. Karya inovatif yang dilakukan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa Program Studi Kimia dengan topik yang sangat bervariasi diantaranya pembuatan produk-produk berbasis minyak atsiri seperti serum, sabun dan parfum. Di bidang elektrokimia telah diciptakan metode elektrokinetik untuk degradasi limbah logam berat.
Skripsi untuk PS. Kimia dikatalogkan dalam bentuk hard copy maupun soft copy di perpustakaan Pusat UII. Semua skripsi dalam bentuk soft copy, dapat diakses pengguna melalui repositori universitas: (hanya abstrak) dan melalui GARUDA DIKTI, sedangkan skripsi dalam bentuk fulltext dapat diakses menggunakan intranet. Secara kuantitatif, jumlah skripsi yang sudah di upload dan diakses secara online berjumlah lebih dari 500 judul.
Rekapitulasi Publikasi Ilmiah berupa Jurnal dan Seminar Nasional dan Internasional
No. | Judul | Dosen | Dihasilkan/Dipublikasikan pada | Tahun Penyajian | Tingkat | ||
Lokal | Nasional | Internasional | |||||
1 | Penentuan Kandungan Pb, Cr, Cu, dan Zn di Endapan Sungai Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung | Allwar | Seminar Nasional UNY 2003 | 2003 | V | ||
2 | Sintesa dan Karakteristik Senyawa Kompleks Binuklir Zn (II) Sebagai Model Enzim Dalam Reaksi Hidrolisa Phosphat Ester | Allwar | Jurnal Ilmiah EKSAKTA, FMIPA-UII Vol.2 No.4, ISSN : 1411-1047 | 2000 | V | ||
3 | Studi Kandungan Logam Pb pada Rambut Manusia Sekitar Jalan Malioboro dengan graphite Furnice Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometry (GFASS) | Allwar | Jurnal Eksakta Vol 7. No.1, Februari 2005, ISSN 1411-1047 | 2005 | V | ||
4 | Identifikasi dan Penentuan Konsentrasi Ion Logam Cr, Fe, Cu, Zn dan Pb pada Debu jalanan di Sekitar Kawasan Malioboro Yogyakarta | Allwar | Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi , Vol 2 No 2 | 2004 | V | ||
5 | Toward production of the Micro and Mesoporous Activated Carbon prepared from oil Palm Shell and Empty Fruit Bunches By Chemical Activation with Potasium Hydroxide | Allwar | ICYC 2009, USM Malaysia | 2009 | V | ||
6 | Toward production of the Micro and Mesoporous Activated Carbon prepared from oil Palm Shell and Empty Fruit Bunches By Chemical Activation Process with ZnCl2, H3PO4 and KOH under Nitrogen and Potasium Hydroxide | Allwar | CHEMECA 2009, Perth | 2009 | V | ||
7 | Characteristic of Micro and Mesoporous Structure and Surface Chenistry of Activated Carbon Produced by Oil Palm Shell | Allwar | International Conference of PSRC, Malaysia | 2010 | V | ||
8 | Preparation and Characterization of Microporous Activated Carbon from Oil Palm Shell by Physical Activation using Purified Nitrogen | Allwar | Jurnal EKSAKTA Vo.10.No.1 | 2011 | V | ||
9 | Characteristics of Pore Structure and Surface Chemistry of Activated Carbon by Physisorption, FTIR and Boehm Method | Allwar | IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry | 2012 | V | ||
10 | Preparation and Characteristics of Activated Carbon from Oil Palm Shell for Removal of Iron and Copper from Patchouli Oil | Allwar | International Journal of Applied Chemistry | 2016 | V | ||
11 | Removal of Fe and Cu Ions from Patchouli Essential Oil Using ZnCl2-Activated Carbon Adsorbent Modified With Ammonia | Allwar | IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC) | 2015 | V | ||
12 | Sintesa dan Karakteristik Makrosiklis Ligan dan Senyawa Kompleks Zn (II) sebagai Katalis dalam Reaksi Hidrolisa | Allwar, MSc. | Seminar Nasional Kimia UII, 5 Juni 2001, ISBN : 979-96595-0-7 | 2001 | V | ||
13 | Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Benzohydrazide as Potential Antibacterial Agents from Natural Product Vanillin and Wintergreen Oil | Amri Setyawati | Intenational Conference on Chemisty, Chemical Process and Engineering | 2017 | V | ||
14 | Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable film chitosan and carboxymethyl chitosan to substitute silver wound healer plaster | Amri Setyawati | Green Chemistry Conference | 2017 | V | ||
15 | Green Chemistry: Effect of Microwave Irradiationon Synthesis of Chitosan for Biomedical Grade Applications of Biodegradable Materials | Amri Setyawati | Jurnal Eksakta | 2016 | V | ||
16 | Pengaruh Penambahan 1,4-Butanadiol dan Polietilen Glikol (PEG) 1000 terhadap Kemudahan Biodegradasi Bioplastik dari Biji Nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus | Argo Khoirul Anas | Jurnal Eksakta | 2016 | V | ||
17 | Utilization of Waste Extracts Residual Tobacco Cigarette Manufacturing and Leaves of Mahkota Dewa as a Natural Pesticide for Pest Control Armyworms in Chili Plant | Cahyati, Marlina, Rizqy Nurlestari, Indrasti Dwi Puji lestari, Tatang Shabur Julianto | Jurnal Eksakta | 2016 | V | ||
18 | Synthesis and heme polymerization inhibition activity (hpia) assay of 1,3,6-trihydroxyxanthone as antimalarial compound | Dhina Fitriastuti | Green Chemistry Conference | 2017 | V | ||
19 | Heme Polymerization Inhibition Activity (HPIA) Assay of Synthesized Xanthone Derivative as Antimalarial Compound | Dhina Fitriastuti, Jumina and Priatmoko | International conference on chemistry, chemical process and engineering (IC3PE) | 2017 | V | ||
20 | Synthesis and Characterization of 2,3,4-Trihydroxy-5-methyl Xanthone as Antimalarial Compound | Dhina Fitriastuti, Jumina and Priatmoko | Jurnal Eksakta | 2016 | V | ||
21 | Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) Analysis of Xanthone Derivatives as Antimalaria using Multi Linear Regression Method | Dhina Fitriastuti, Jumina, Priatmoko and Iqmal Tahir | Prosiding International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Sciences | 2016 | V | ||
22 | Kajian Kompleks Transisi dan Intermediate dalam Kuliah Kimia Organik Fisik | Dwiarso Rubiyanto | Seminar Nasional Kimia UNY, 21 Oktober 2001, ISBN : 979-9477-46-48 | 2001 | V | ||
23 | Karakterisasi sebagai Surfaktan dari Senyawa Saponin dalam Daging Buah Lerak (Sapindus rarak D.C) | Dwiarso Rubiyanto | Jurnal Eksakta, Vol 8. No.1, Feb 2006 ISSN : 1411- 1047 | 2006 | V | ||
24 | Profil Kromatografi dan Spektra Infra Merah dari Minyak Atsiri Daun Selasih Jenis Ocimum Basilicum “lime” dan Ocimum Basilicum “canum Sims” | Dwiarso Rubiyanto | Jurnal Eksakta, Vol. 9, No. 2 Agustus 2007 ISSN : 1411- 1047 | 2007 | V | ||
25 | Respon Elektrokimia dan Elektronetik Elektroda Iridium dan Iridium-Polyvinyl Chloride (IR-PVC) terhadap Etanol dalam Larutan Koh | Dwiarso Rubiyanto | Jurnal Eksakta, Vol.10, No.1, Februari 2008, ISSN : 1411-1047 | 2008 | V | ||
26 | Evaluation of Cu and Cu-PVC electrodes for Synthesis of Acetic Acid from Ethanol Using Electrooxidation | Dwiarso Rubiyanto | Seminar Nasional MIPA UNESA, 17 September 2005, ISBN : 979-445-069-3 | 2005 | V | ||
27 | Sintesis Isopulegol dan Epoksidasi Isopulegol dari Minyak Sereh Wangi (Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt) dengan Katalis Bentonit Termodifikasi Oksida Zr dalam Satu Tahapan Reaksi | Dwiarso Rubiyanto | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Farmasi , 4 Maret 2006, ISBN : 979-98417-1-2 | 2006 | V | ||
28 | Minyak Sereh Wangi sebagai Sumber Bahan Sintesis Isopulegol dan Isopulegol Epoksida dalam Satu Tahapan Proses | Dwiarso Rubiyanto | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kimia, 31 Januari 2006, ISBN : 979-96595-2-3 | 2006 | V | ||
29 | Chemical Composition Changes During Storage Of Lemon Basil Essential Oil (Ocimum citriodorum sp.) | Dwiarso Rubiyanto | International Seminar on Essential Oil 2009, Oktober 2009, Bandung | Oktober 2009 | V | ||
30 | Tipe Kimia lengkap minyak atsiri kemangi (Ocimum citriodorum) dari dua wilayah yang berbeda | Dwiarso Rubiyanto | Seminar Nasional Kimia V diselengarakan oleh Jurusan Kimia FMIPA UII 2011 | 2011 | V | ||
31 | Minyak atsiri Tanaman kemangi, selasih ungu dan selasih hijau serta konversi senyawa utamanya melalui isomerisasi terirradiasi microwave | Dwiarso Rubiyanto | Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian MIPA UGM Yogyakarta, 19 September 2011 | 2011 | V | ||
32 | Penggunaan Minyak Kemangi Terformulasi sebagai Bahan Bio-repellent Serangga | Dwiarso Rubiyanto | Seminar Nasional Green Chemistry 2011, Universitas Ahmad Jani, Bandung | 2011 | V | ||
33 | Sintesis Feromon Analog (S)-3,7-Dimetil-2-Okso-6-Oktena-1,3-Diol Dari Komponen Utama Minyak Atsiri Daun Kemangi (Ocimum Citriodorum) | Dwiarso Rubiyanto | Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian MIPA UGM Yogyakarta, 19 September 2012 | 2012 | V | ||
34 | Isolasi Cis- Dan Trans-Sitral Dari Minyak Atsiri Kemangi (Ocimum citriodorum, L) Dengan Metode Ekstraksi Bisulfit Dan Metode Distilasi Uap | Dwiarso Rubiyanto | Proceeding Kongress Nasional Minyak Atsiri | 2016 | V | ||
35 | Complete Chemo Type of Three Species of Basils (Ocimum basilicum) Grown in Indonesia | Dwiarso Rubiyanto, Hardjono Sastrohamidjojo, Chairil Anwar | Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plant | 2015 | V | ||
36 | Penentuan Jumlah Komponen Utama melalui Statistik SAP | Edy Widodo | Seminar Nasional UNY 2003 | 2003 | V | ||
37 | Pendekatan standar eror untuk nilai eugen pada bentuk kanonik A dengan metode regresi liner ganda | Edy Widodo | Jurnal Ilmiah EKSAKTA, FMIPA-UII Vol.2 No.4, ISSN : 1411-1047 | 2000 | V | ||
38 | Metode bootstrap koefisien model regresi liner | Edy Widodo | Jurnal Ilmiah EKSAKTA, FMIPA-UII Vol.2 No.5, ISSN : 1411-1047 | 2000 | V | ||
39 | Bioanalisa Salisilamida dalam Darah Tikus secara Spektrofluorometri | Endang Darmawan | Seminar Nasional Kimia UII, 5 Juni 2001, ISBN : 979-96595-0-7 | 2001 | V | ||
40 | Pengaruh Piperin terhadap Kinetika Eliminasi Salisilamida pada Tikus | Endang Darmawan | Seminar Nasional Farmasi UII 2002 | 2002 | V | ||
41 | Uji Toksisitas Akut Fraksi Kloroform Sidaguri (Sida rhombfolia, L.), Kedelai (Glycin soja) dan Gletang (Tridax procumbens, L.) terhadap Artemia salina, L. | Endang Darmawan | Seminar Hasil Penelitian Bidang Farmasi UGM 2002 | 2002 | V | ||
42 | Parameter Kualitas Kayu Rapet (Parameria laevigata, A. Juss mondelke) dari Daerah Karang Pandan dan Saradan | Endang Darmawan | Seminar Nasional Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia (Kelompok Kerja Nasional Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia) XII, UMP Purwokerto 2002 | 2002 | V | ||
43 | Pra-Farmako kinetika salisilamida pada tikus jantan | Endang Darmawan | Jurnal Ilmiah EKSAKTA, FMIPA-UII Vol.2 No.4, ISSN : 1411-1047 | 2000 | V | ||
44 | Pengaruh Pra-perlakuan Merica (piperis album,Linn) Terhadap Farmakokinetika Salisilamida pada Tikus | Endang Darmawan | Jurnal Ilmiah EKSAKTA FMIPA-UII Vol 5. No. 1, ISSN : 1411-1047 | 2002 | V | ||
45 | Formulation Of Antiacne Serum Based On Lemon Oil And In Vitro Antibacterial Activity Test Against Propionibacterium Acne | Febi Indah Fajarwati | International conference on chemistry, chemical process and engineering (IC3pE) | 2017 | V | ||
46 | Film Of Chitosan-Carboxymethyl Cellulose Polyelectrolyte Complex as Methylene Blue Adsorbent | Febi Indah Fajarwati | Jurnal Eksakta | 2016 | V | ||
47 | Adsorption Isotherm Studies of Rhodamine B on Citrus sinesis Peel | Gani Purwiandono | Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research | 2017 | V | ||
48 | TiO2 material: Synthesis and theoretical approach | Gani Purwiandono | Green Chemistry Conference | 2017 | V | ||
49 | Synthesis of Porous TiO2 with Starch Template and Its Photoactivity towards Photodegradation of Methylene Blue | Gani Purwiandono, Indriana Kartini | Jurnal Eksakta 15(1-2) | 2015 | V | ||
50 | Theoritical Study of Adsorption and Dissociation of NH3 on Pentanuclear Fe(III) Surface | Gani Purwiandono, Karna Wijaya | Proceeding of Joint Conference on Chemistry 2015 | 2016 | V | ||
51 | The Development of Contextual Collaborative Learning Model for Chemical Bonding Course | Gani Purwiandono,Is Fatimah, Salmahaminati, Mai Anugrahwati | Prosiding International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Sciences | 2016 | V | ||
52 | Analysis Of 16S RRNA Gene Bacteria Lactic Acid (BAL) Isolate From Markisa Kuning (Passiflora Edulis Var. Flavicarpa) As A Producer Of Protease Enzym And Probiotics | Habibi Hidayat | International conference on chemistry, chemical process and engineering (IC3pE) | 2017 | V | ||
53 | Biochemical Test and Isolation of Antimicrobial Activity From Seeds Starfruit Extract (Averrhoa carambola.L) | Habibi Hidayat | Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research | 2017 | V | ||
54 | Identifikasi Morfologi dan Uji Aktivitas Antimikroba Terhadap Bakteri Escherichia coli Dari Fermentasi Buah Markisa (Passiflora sp.) | Habibi Hidayat | Jurnal Eksakta 16(1-2) | 2015 | V | ||
55 | Study of Catalytic Cyclisation of (+)-Citronellal with Zn/g-Alumina | Hardjono Sastrohamidjojo (Penulis Kedua) | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, Vol 4, No 3, November 2004 ISSN 1411-9420 | 2004 | V | ||
56 | Transport of Cr3+, Cd2+, Pb2+, and Ag+ Ions Through Bulk Liquid Membrane Containing p-tert-Butylcalix (4) Arene-Tetracarboxylic Acid as Ion Carrier | Hardjono Sastrohamidjojo (Penulis Keempat) | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, Juni 2007, Vol 7. No 2. ISSN : 1411-9420 | 2007 | V | ||
57 | Synthesis and Conformation of P-(Amino)Butoxycalix(4)Arene | Hardjono Sastrohamidjojo (Penulis Ketiga) | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, Maret 2007, Vol 7. No 1. ISSN : 1411-9420 | 2007 | V | ||
58 | Synthesis and Conformation of P-(Acetamido)Butoxycalix(4)Arene and p-(Benzamido)-Butoxycalix (4) Arene | Hardjono Sastrohamidjojo (Penulis Ketiga) | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, Juni 2007, Vol 7. No 2. ISSN : 1411-9420 | 2007 | V | ||
59 | Modification Of Humic Acid By Ether Functional Group As Biosorbent To Au(III) Adsorption In The Presence Of Sn(II) And Ni(II) | Ika Yanti | Intenational Conference on Chemisty, Chemical Process and Engineering | 2017 | V | ||
60 | Kinetics Study Of Au(Iii) Adsorption On Gallic Acid Intercalated Mg/Al-Hydrotalcite | Ika Yanti | Jurnal Eksakta | 2016 | V | ||
61 | Modification of humic acid by ether functional group as biosorbent to Au(III) adsorption in the presence of Sn(II) and Ni(II) | Ika Yanti | AIP COnfernce Proceeding | 2017 | V | ||
62 | Physicochemical Character Effect of ZnO-Montmorillonite in Kinetics of Methanol Dehydration | Is Fatimah | Asian Journal of Material Science, 4(1), 2011 | 2011 | V | ||
63 | Kajian terhadap Pertukaran Ion Krom (III) dalam Larutan Air menggunakan Zeolit Alam termodifikasi | Is Fatimah | Seminar Nasional Kimia UII, 5 Juni 2001, ISBN : 979-96595-0-7 | 2001 | V | ||
64 | Preparasi dan Karakterisasi Ni/Zeolit Alam Sebagai Katalis Hyrocracing Isopropil Benzena | Is Fatimah | Seminar Nasional UGM 2002 | 2002 | V | ||
65 | Kajian Adsorbsi Fenol menggunakan Abu Layang Terdekomposisi | Is Fatimah | Seminar Nasional UNY 2003 | 2003 | V | ||
66 | Penggunaan Na-Zeolit Alam Teraktivasi Sebagai Penukar Ion Cr (III) Dalam Larutan | Is Fatimah | Jurnal Penelitian Logika, LP-UII Vol. 4 No.5, ISSN : 1410-2315 | 2000 | V | ||
67 | Efek Temperatur terhadap Aktivitas Katalis Ni/Zeolit Alam pada Hydrocracking Isopropil Benzena | Is Fatimah | Jurnal Ilmiah EKSAKTA FMIPA-UII Vol 3. No. 6, ISSN : 1411-1047 | 2001 | V | ||
68 | Proses aktivasi zeolit alam dan penggunaannya sebagai adsorben pada pengolahan limbah cair industri tapioka | Is Fatimah | Jurnal Ilmiah TEKNOIN, FTI-UII Vol. 6 No.3, ISSN : 0583-8697 | 2001 | V | ||
69 | Optimasi Laju Alir Gas H2 dan Perbandingan Berat Katalis pada Hidrocrakcing Isopropil Benzena mengunakan Katalis Zeolit Ni-ZeolitY | Is Fatimah | Jurnal Ilmiah TEKNOIN, FTI-UII Vol. 6 No.3, ISSN : 0583-8697 | 2001 | V | ||
70 | Pengaruh Modifikasi dan Tempratur Aktivasi pada Zeolit Alam terhadap Kinerja Adsorbsi Ion Amonium dalam Limbah Cair | Is Fatimah | Jurnal Ilmiah EKSAKTA FMIPA-UII Vol 5. No. 1, ISSN : 1411-1047 | 2002 | V | ||
71 | Identifikasi Hasil Pirolisis Serbuk Kayu Jati Menggunakan Principal Component Analysis | Is Fatimah | Jurnal Ilmu Dasar, Vol. 6, No. 1, Januari 2005, ISSN : 1411-5735 | 2005 | V | ||
72 | Sintesis TiO2/Zeolit Sebagai Fotokatalis pada Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Tapioka secara Fotodegradasi | Is Fatimah | Jurnal Teknoin | 2005 | V | ||
73 | Titanium Oxide Dispered on Natural Zeolite and Its Application for Congo Red Photodegradation | Is Fatimah | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry | 2006 | V | ||
74 | Photodegradation of Alizarin S Dye Using TiO2-zeolite and UV Radiation | Is Fatimah | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry | 2006 | V | ||
75 | Pengaruh Sumber Sinar pada Fotodegradasi Limbah cair Industri Tapioka Menggunakan TiO2-Zeolit | Is Fatimah | Jurnal MIPA UNESA, Vol 28, No. 3, Desember 2005, ISSN : 0215-9945 | 2005 | V | ||
76 | Pengaruh Metode Preparasi terhadap Karakter Fisikokimiawi Montmorillonit Termodifikasi ZrO2 | Is Fatimah | Akta Kimia Indonesia, Vol.1, No. 2, April 2006, ISSN : 1858-4586 | 2006 | V | ||
77 | Analisis Hubungan Kuantitatif Struktur dan Kelarutan Senyawa Organofosfat : Pendekatan Model Linier dan Metode Kluster | Is Fatimah | Jurnal Ilmu Dasar, Vol 8. No. 1, Januari 2007, ISSN : 1411-5735 | 2007 | V | ||
78 | Synthesis of Aluminium Pillared Saponite : Effect of Calcination Method and Al/clay ratio to Physicochemical Character and Catalyst Activity in Ethyl Acetate Esterification | Is Fatimah | International Symposium on Catalysis and Fine Chemicals, 16-21 Desember 2007, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore | 2007 | V | ||
79 | Preparation of ZnO-Montmorillonite Photocatalyst for Phenol Wet Peroxidation, | Is Fatimah | Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2010, Ubu Ratchathani University, Ubu Ratchathani, Thailand, 21-23 January 2010 | 40299 | V | ||
80 | Preparation of ZrO2/Al2O3-pillared saponite and its spectroscopic investigation on NOX adsorption | Is Fatimah | Journal of Physical Science, Vol. 21(1), 53–65, 2010. | 2010 | V | ||
81 | Preparation of aluminium pillared clay from Indonesian montmorillonite and its catalytic activity in bio-oil cracking | Is Fatimah | Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 22(5): 3802-3806 | 2010 | V | ||
82 | Composites of TiO2-aluminum pillared montmorillonite: Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue | Is Fatimah | Applied Clay Science, 50(4)-Desember 2010: 588-593 | 2010 | V | ||
83 | Photocatalytic generation of sulphate and hydroxyl radicals using zinc oxide under low-power UV to oxidise phenolic contaminants in wastewater | Is Fatimah | Catalysis Today, Vol.157(1-4), November 2010 | 2010 | V | ||
84 | Adsorption of anionic dyes in aqueous solution using chemically modified barley straw | Is Fatimah | Water Science & Technology, 62(5): 1177–1182 | 2010 | V | ||
85 | Logit Model Application for the Study of Catalyst Dosage Effect in Methylene Blue Photodegradation, | Is Fatimah | IJECS: International Journal Of Electrical & Computer Sciences, Vo.11. No.2. | 2011 | V | ||
86 | Preparation of ZnO-Montmorillonite composite and its application as photocatalyst in methylene blue photodegradation. | Is Fatimah | The 11th International Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in Africa (11 ICCA), Egypt | 2011 | V | ||
87 | Sol-Gel Preparation of ZnO/HDTMA/Hectorite And Its Adsorptivephotocatalytic Study Towards Alizarin Red S Degradation, | Is Fatimah | 14th Asian Chemical Congress, Bangkok, Thailand | 2011 | V | ||
88 | Physicochemical Character Effect of ZnO-Montmorillonite in Kinetics of Methanol Dehydration | Is Fatimah | Regional Symposium of Chemical Engineering 2011, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | 2011 | V | ||
89 | Modification of smectite materials as photocatalyst supporting materials for degradation of organic contaminant in water, | Is Fatimah | invited speaker in International Workshop of Industrial Minerals 2011, conducted by Clay Mineral Society, Hangzhou, China. | 2011 | V | ||
90 | Microwave Assisted Preparation of TiO2/Al-Pillared Saponite for Photocatalytic Phenol Photo-oxidation in Aqueous Solution, | Is Fatimah | Arabian Journal of Chemistry (Elsevier)-Editorially Accepted –available online, | 2011 | V | ||
91 | Preparation of ZnO/montmorillonite for photocatalytic and photochemical oxidation of methylene blue, | Is Fatimah | Applied Clay Science-Elsevier, Volume 53, Issue 4, October 2011, Pages 553–560 | 2011 | V | ||
92 | Effect of Aluminium Content in Aluminium Pillared Montmorillonite to Its Surface Acidity Properties | Is Fatimah | ITB Journal Vol. 43A No. 2, 2011 | 2011 | V | ||
93 | Modifikasi Lempung Alam Indonesia serta Potensinya dalam Industri, Lingkungan dan Kesehatan | Is Fatimah | Seminar Nasional Kimia V, diselenggarakan oleh Prodi Kimia UII, 6 Juli 2011 | 2011 | V | ||
94 | Sol-Gel Preparation Of ZnO/HDTMA/Hectorite And Its Adsorptivephotocatalytic Study Towards Alizarin Red S Degradation | Is Fatimah | 14th Asian Chemical Congress | 2012 | V | ||
95 | Preparation of Cetyl Trimethylammonium-Montmorillonite from Indonesia and Study on Its Adsorptivity for Toluene, | Is Fatimah | Applied Clay Sciences(Elsevier), accepted-inpress | 2012 | V | ||
96 | Reaction Efficiency of Crossed-Aldol Condensation between Acetone and Benzaldehyde over ZrO2 and ZrO2-Montmorillonite Catalyst | Is Fatimah | Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(5): 2457-2464 | 2012 | V | ||
97 | Novel Synthesis of 1,5-dibenzalacetone Using NaOH/ZrO2-Montmorillonite as Cooperative Catalyst | Is Fatimah | International Journal of Chemical and Analytical Science, 2012, 3(6), 1419-1424 | 2012 | V | ||
98 | Composite of TiO2-montmorillonite from Indonesia and Its photocatalytic Properties in Methylene Blue and E.coli Reduction | Is Fatimah | J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 3 (5) (2012) 983-992. | 2012 | V | ||
99 | Photocatalytic antibacterial activity of ZnO /Hectorite and ZnO/montmorillonite, | Is Fatimah | International Journal of Chemical Sciences, 10(3), 1341-1349 | 2012 | V | ||
100 | Preparation of Silver Immobilised TiO2-Hectorite for Phenol Removal and Eschericia coli Desinfection | Is Fatimah | 2nd ITB Catalyst Symposium, Bandung. | 2012 | V | ||
101 | Evaluation Of Photodegradation Eficiency on Semiconductor Immobilized Clay Photocatalyst by Using Probit Model Approximation | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Recycling and Reuse 2012 | 2012 | V | ||
102 | Utilization of TiO2/Montmorillonite and Pericarp Extract of Garcinia mangostana L. in Dye Sensitized Solar Cell | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Recycling and Reuse 2012 | 2012 | V | ||
103 | Metal Oxide Pillared Clay as Green and Efficient Catalyst | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Indonesian Chemical Society, Invited Speaker Paper, Malang, 4-5 September 2012. | 2012 | V | ||
104 | Clay terpilar oksida logam dan aplikasinya dalam katalisis heterogen | Is Fatimah | Seminar Nasional Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia, diselenggarakan oleh jurusan Kimia UNNES, UNDIP, UNSOED dan UNS, 6 Oktober 2012, Purwokerto | 2012 | V | ||
105 | Writing a Scientific Paper | Is Fatimah | Workshop Penulisan Jurnal Internasional, diselengarakan dlm rangka Dies Natalies Universitas Pekalongan, Juli 2012 | 2012 | V | ||
106 | Writing a Scientific Paper | Is Fatimah | Workshop Penulisan Jurnal Internasional, diselengarakan oleh DPPM UII, Juli 2012 | 2012 | V | ||
107 | Low cost heterogenous catalyst from (Achatina Fulica) snail shell and its application for biodiesel conversion via microwave irradiation | Is Fatimah | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2017 | V | ||
108 | N-[3-Trimethoxysilyl)propyl]-ethylenediamine functionalized saponite as adsorbent of nickel from aqueous solution | Is Fatimah | Engineering Journal | 2017 | V | ||
109 | Preparation of TiO2-SiO2 via sol-gel method: Effect of Silica precursor on Catalytic and Photocatalytic properties | Is Fatimah | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2017 | V | ||
110 | Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic study of sn/TiO2-laponite | Is Fatimah | Asian Journal of Chemistry | 2017 | V | ||
111 | Green synthesis of silver nanoparticle from photograph wastewater using Hylocereus undatus skin extract | Is Fatimah | Oriental Journal of Chemistry | 2017 | V | ||
112 | KF-Modified Natural Halloysite as Green Catalyst in Microwave Assisted Biodiesel Conversion | Is Fatimah | Procedia Energy | 2017 | V | ||
113 | Chitosan-modified smectite clay and study on adsorption-desorption of urea | Is Fatimah | Chemical Engineering Transcation | 2017 | V | ||
114 | Study on ZnO catalytic activity in salycilic acid degradation by sonophotocatalysis | Is Fatimah | Chemical Engineering Transcation | 2017 | V | ||
115 | Methenamine-smectite clay as slow release fertiliser: Physicochemical and kinetics study | Is Fatimah | Chemical Engineering Transcation | 2017 | V | ||
116 | Preparation of TiO2– SiO2 via sol-gel method: Effect of Silica precursor on Catalytic and Photocatalytic properties | Is Fatimah | 11th Joint Conference on Chemistry | 2017 | V | ||
117 | Preparation of TiO2 Bamboo Leaves Ash Composite as Photocatalyst for Dye Photodegradation | Is Fatimah | Pure and Applied Chemistry Conference | 2017 | V | ||
118 | Preparation of Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate-Functionalized Activated Carbon from Gnetum gnemon Peel for Dye Adsorption | Is Fatimah | Pure and Applied Chemistry Conference | 2017 | V | ||
119 | Preparation of ZrO2 -SiO2 Composite using Bamboo Leaves ash as Catalyst of Sustainable Biodiesel Conversion of Rice Bran Oil | Is Fatimah | Pure and Applied Chemistry Conference | 2017 | V | ||
120 | Sustainable and Low Cost Biodiesel Production using Modified-Paddy Field Snail Shell (Pila ampullacea) Catalyst | Is Fatimah | Pure and Applied Chemistry Conference | 2017 | V | ||
121 | Microwave-assisted conversion of citronellal in a solvent-less condition over ruthenium complex-immobilized saponite catalyst | Is Fatimah | Green Chemistry Conference | 2017 | V | ||
122 | KF-modified CaO catalyst derived from snail (pomacea canaliculata l) shell as low cost catalyst in biodiesel conversion | Is Fatimah | Green Chemistry Conference | 2017 | V | ||
123 | Low cost heterogeneous catalyst from Achatina fulica snail shell and its application for biodiesel conversion under Microwave Irradiation | Is Fatimah | Green Chemistry Conference | 2017 | V | ||
124 | Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle from Photograph Wastewater using Hylocereus Undatus Skin Extract | Is Fatimah | Asia Multidiciplinary International Conference | 2017 | V | ||
125 | ZrO2 /bamboo leaves ash (BLA) Catalyst in Biodiesel Conversion of Rice Bran Oil | Is Fatimah | Joint Conference on Chemistry | 2017 | V | ||
126 | Photocatalyst of Perovskite CaTiO3 Nanopowder Synthesized from CaO derived from Snail Shell in Comparison with The Use of CaO and CaCO3 | Is Fatimah | Joint Conference on Chemistry | 2017 | V | ||
127 | Preparation of surfactant modified biosorbent from salacca skin | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science | 2017 | V | ||
128 | Antibacterial Ceramic Prepared From Perovskite CaTiO3 Synthesized From Scallop (Anadara granosa) | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science | 2017 | V | ||
129 | Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle from Photograph Wastewater using Hylocereus Undatus Skin Extract | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science | 2017 | V | ||
130 | TiO2 Supported On Brick Waste As Low Cost Photocatalyst For Dye Photodegradation | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science | 2017 | V | ||
131 | Preparation Of Perovskite CATiO3 Nanopowder Using Cao Derived From Snail Shell | Is Fatimah | Asia Multidiciplinary International Conference | 2017 | V | ||
132 | Sn-Pillared Montmorillonite As Oxidation Catalyst of Rhodamine B | Is Fatimah | Joint conference UII-UKM-PSU-UR 2017 | 2017 | V | ||
133 | Preparation of Ag/halloysite for photodegradation of methylene blue | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science | 2017 | V | ||
134 | Study on Physicochemical Evolution of Silica in the Preparation of TiO2-SiO2 Aerogel From Bamboo Leaves for Dye Photoxidation Application | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science | 2017 | V | ||
135 | Removal of Mercury (Hg) from Waste Water using SDS/Activated Carbon from Palm Oil Milling Effluent (POME) | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science | 2017 | V | ||
136 | Sustainable Hydroxyapatite Synthesized from Paddy Field Snail (Pila ampullacea) Shell | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science | 2017 | V | ||
137 | Low Cost CaTiO3 Perovskite Synthesized from Scallop (Anadara granosa) Shell as Antibacterial Ceramic Material | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science | 2017 | V | ||
138 | Microwave-Assisted Oxidation of Rhodamine B using Sn-Pillared Montmorillonite Catalyst | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science | 2017 | V | ||
139 | Synthesis of Silica Alumina Synthesized from Salacca Leaves Ash As Silica Precursor | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science | 2017 | V | ||
140 | Surfactant-Modified Peanut Shell As Adsorbent for Rhodamine B Dye | Is Fatimah | International Conference on Chemistry and Material Science | 2017 | V | ||
141 | Synthesis of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles Using Plant Extract: a Review | Is Fatimah | Jurnal Eksakta | 2017 | V | ||
142 | Preparation of TiO2¬ Bamboo Leaves Ash Composite as Photocatalyst for Dye Photodegradation | Is Fatimah | Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research | 2017 | V | ||
143 | Modifikasi Zeolit Dengan Tembaga (Cu) Dan Uji Sifat Katalitiknya Pada Reaksi Esterifikasi | Is Fatimah | Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research | 2017 | V | ||
144 | Metal Oxide and Metal Complex Immobilization Modified Smectite Clay For Green Catalysis and Photo-Catalysis Applications: A Mini Review | Is Fatimah | Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research | 2017 | V | ||
145 | Preparation Of Zeolite Supported TiO2, ZnO And ZrO2 And The Study On Their Catalytic Activity In NOx Reduction And 1-Pentanol Dehydration | Is Fatimah | Proceeding of ICE-SEAM 2015 | 2016 | V | ||
146 | Preparation of zeolite supported TiO2, ZnO and ZrO2 and the study on their catalytic activity in NOx reduction and 1-pentanol dehydration | Is Fatimah | AIP Conf. Proc (SCOPUS Indexed) | 2016 | V | ||
147 | Comparative Study On The Impact Of Synthesis Route To The Photocatalytic Activity Of ZnO-SiO2 From Rice Husk Ash | Is Fatimah | Prosiding International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Sciences | 2016 | V | ||
148 | Effect of Zn Content on the physicochemical Characteristics and Photoactivity of ZnO supported Activated Carbon | Is Fatimah | Oriental Journal of Chemistry (SCOPUS indexed) | 2016 | V | ||
149 | Preparation of Sn-TiO2/Laponite and Photocatalytic Activity in Rhodamine B Photodegradation | Is Fatimah | European Conference on Chemical Engineering (EUCHEM 2016) | 2016 | V | ||
150 | Environmentally Friendly Catalys t of Zirconium Pillared Saponite for Solvent Free Esterification of Menthol | Is Fatimah | Advanced Material Research | 2015 | V | ||
151 | Preparation of TiO2-ZnO and Its Activity Test in Sonophotocatalytic Degradation of Phenol | Is Fatimah | Proceeding of Joint Conference on Chemistry 2015 | 2015 | V | ||
152 | Combined Multimedia and e-learning Media: Enhancing Conceptual Comprehension in Physical Chemistry Teaching | Is Fatimah | Proceeding of The 1st International Seminar on Chemical Education 2015 | 2015 | V | ||
153 | Preparation of TiO2-SiO2 using Rice Husk Ash as Silica Source and The Kinetics Study as Photocatalyst in Methyl Violet Decolorization | Is Fatimah, Ahmad Said, Uun Ayyil Hasanah | Bulletin of Chemical Reaction and Engineering | 2015 | V | ||
154 | Preparation of Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate-functionalized Activated Carbon from Gnetum gnemon Shell for Dye Adsorption | Is Fatimah, Amri Yahya, Rilis Akista | International Conference on Chemistry, Chemical Process and Engineering (IC3PE) | 2017 | V | ||
155 | Plant Extract Mediated of ZnO Nanoparticles by Using Ethanol Extract of Mimosa Pudica Leaves and Coffee Powder | Is Fatimah, Annisa Nurfalinda, Rizqi Yulia Pradita | Procedia Engineering (SCOPUS Indexed) | 2016 | V | ||
156 | Incorporating Research in Chemistry Courses: Research Data-Based Learning | Is Fatimah, Argo Khoirul Anas | Asia Multidiciplinary International Conference | 2017 | V | ||
157 | Role of ZrO2-montmorillonite Synthesis Route to ITS Catalytic Activity Toward Citronelal Conversion | Is Fatimah, Dwiarso Rubiyanto | Jurnal Eksakta, Vol.10, No.1, Februari 2008, ISSN : 1411-1047 | 2008 | V | ||
158 | Konversi Komponen Minyak Daun Sereh dengan Katalis Bentonit Termodifikasi Oksida Zr | Is Fatimah, Dwiarso Rubiyanto | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kimia UNY 24 September 2005, ISBN : 979-98117-3-2 | 2005 | V | ||
159 | Effect Of Calcination Temperature On The Synthesis Of ZrO2-Pillared Saponite To Catalytic Activity In Menthol Esterification | Is Fatimah, Dwiarso Rubiyanto, Nanda Canra Kartika | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry | 2016 | V | ||
160 | Effect of Pt on Catalytic Activity of Al- and Zr-Pillared Smectite | Is Fatimah, Dwiarso Rubiyanto, Septian P.Yudha, Happy Bunga NS, Rodhotul Ulya | Asian Journal of Chemistry | 2016 | V | ||
161 | Methenamine-Smectite Clay as Slow Release Fertilizer: Physicochemical and Kinetics Study | Is Fatimah, Dwiarso Rubiyanto, Septian P.Yudha, Imam D. Widodo | Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering (RCChE) | 2017 | V | ||
162 | Novel sulphated zirconia pillared clay nanoparticles as catalyst in microwave assisted organic conversion | Is Fatimah, Dwiarso Rubiyanto, T.Huda, Zulfa Zuhrufa, Septian P. Yudha | AIP Conf. Proc (SCOPUS Indexed) | 2016 | V | ||
163 | Preparation and characterization of Ni/Zr-saponite as Catalyst in catalytic hydrogen transfer reaction of Isopulegol | Is Fatimah, Dwiarso Rubiyanto, Thorikul Huda | Material Science Forum | 2015 | V | ||
164 | Pt Dispersed On Sulfated-Zirconium Pillared Saponite As Catalyst In Citronellal Conversion | Is Fatimah, Dwiarso Rubiyanto, Thorikul Huda | Proceeding of Advanced Material and Applied Mineralogy | 2015 | V | ||
165 | Novel sulphated zirconia pillared clay nanoparticles as catalyst in microwave assisted conversion of citronellal | Is Fatimah, Dwiarso Rubiyanto, Thorikul Huda | Material Technology | 2015 | V | ||
166 | Ni Dispersed on Sulfated Zirconia Pillared Montmorillonite as Bifunctional Catalyst in Eco-Friendly Citronellal Conversion | Is Fatimah, Dwiarso Rubiyanto, Thorikul Huda | Engineering Journal | 2015 | V | ||
167 | Chitosan-Modified Smectite Clay And Study On Adsorption-Desorption Of Urea | Is Fatimah, Gunarti Pratiwi, Ayu Puspita | Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering (RCChE) | 2017 | V | ||
168 | Ceramic membrane based on TiO2-modified kaolinite as a low cost material for water filtration | Is Fatimah, Hijrah Purnama Putra, Uun Ayyil Hasanah, Imam Sahroni | Applied Clay Science | 2015 | V | ||
169 | Fe(III)/TiO2-Montmorillonite Photocatalyst in Photo-Fenton-Like Degradation of Methylene Blue | Is Fatimah, Iwan Sumarlan, Tuty Alawiyah | International J. of Chemical Engineering | 2015 | V | ||
170 | Modeling of Photocatalytic Activity of ZnO/AC by Using Linear Probability Model, Logit and Complementary Log Transformation | Is Fatimah, Jaka Nugraha | Procedia Engineering (SCOPUS Indexed) | 2016 | V | ||
171 | Microwave assisted preparation of TiO2/Al-pillared saponite for photocatalytic phenol photo-oxidation in aqueous solution | Is Fatimah, Karna Wijaya, Narsito | Arabian J.Chem | 2015 | V | ||
172 | Preparation of TiO2/MCM-41 Photocatalyst using Rice Husk Ash as Silica Source | Is Fatimah, Lusi Sofia | International Conference on Chemistry, Chemical Process and Engineering (IC3PE) | 2017 | V | ||
173 | The Improvement of montmorillonite activity In 2-butanol dehydration by metal oxide pillarization | Is Fatimah, Muh.Rapei | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC) | 2015 | V | ||
174 | Preparation of TiO2-ZnO and its activity test in sonophotocatalytic degradation of phenol | Is Fatimah, Novitasari | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2016 | V | ||
175 | Green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles via complex formation by using Curcuma longa extract | Is Fatimah, Nur Afisa Lintang Mutiara | AIP Conf. Proc (SCOPUS Indexed) | 2016 | V | ||
176 | Preparation Of KF-Modified Kaolinite As Green And Reusable Catalyst For Microwave Assisted Biodiesel Conversion | Is Fatimah, Resty Zama Andiena | 11th Joint Conference on Chemistry | 2017 | V | ||
177 | Study on ZnO Catalytic Activity in Salycilic Acid Degradation by Sonophotocatalysis | Is Fatimah, Rizqi Yulia Pradita, Annisa Nurfalinda | Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering (RCChE) | 2017 | V | ||
178 | KF-Modified Natural Halloysite as Green Catalyst in Microwave Assisted Biodiesel Conversion | Is Fatimah, Septian P. Yudha | International Conference on Applied Energy | 2017 | V | ||
179 | Ag/ZnO-smectite as photocatalyst and antibacterial active material | Is Fatimah, Septian P. Yudha | AIP Conf. Proc (SCOPUS Indexed) | 2016 | V | ||
180 | Green Synthesis Of ZnO Nanoparticles Via Complex Formation By Using Curcuma Longa Extract | Is Fatimah, Septian P. Yudha, Lintang Mutiara | Proceeding of NNS 2015 | 2016 | V | ||
181 | Pemanfaatan Limbah Cangkang Kulit Keong (Pila ampullacea) Sebagai Katalis Konversi Biodiesel Dari Minyak Bekatul | Is Fatimah, Welly Puspitasari | Seminar Nasional Kimia UNY | 2016 | V | ||
182 | Physicochemical and Photocatalytic Properties of Fe-Pillared Bentonite at Various Fe Content | Is Fatimah, Yuyun Y. Nurkholifah | Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis | 2016 | V | ||
183 | Preparation, Characterization And Catalytic Activity Of Sulfated Zirconia By Varied Sol-Gel Method | Is Fatimah, Zulfa Zuhrufa | Advanced Material Research | 2015 | V | ||
184 | The Reduction of Wastewater Containing Mercury By Yhe Technology of Liquid Emulsion Membrane | Lukman Hakim | Seminar Internasional ITB 2000 | 2000 | V | ||
185 | Penurunan Limbah Cair yang Mengandung Merkuri dengan Teknik Membran Emulsi Cair | Lukman Hakim | Seminar Nasional Kimia UII, 5 Juni 2001, ISBN : 979-96595-0-7 | 2001 | V | ||
186 | Pendekatan Pengelolaan Persampahan dalam Perspektif Gender | Lukman Hakim | Seminar Nasional ITS 2002 | 2002 | V | ||
187 | Pemanfaatan Teknologi Geographic Information System (GIS) untuk pengendalian pada Hujan Asam | Lukman Hakim | Seminar Nasional Teknik Lingkungan UII 2002 | 2002 | V | ||
188 | Analisis Penurunan Kadar Cr, Cd DAN Pb Limbah Laboratorium Dasar PPSDM Migas Cepu Dengan Adsorpsi Serbuk Eceng Gondok (Eichornia crassipes) | M. Arsyik Kurniawan | Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research | 2017 | V | ||
189 | Studi Stabilitas Komposit Karbon/Na-Alginat Sebagai Material Elektroda Sel Elektrokimia | M. Arsyik Kurniawan | Seminar Nasional Kimia UnRam, Lombok, 10-11 Agustus 2016 | 2016 | V | ||
190 | Studi Komputasi Metode Ab Initio Dft Dalam Kajian Struktural Dan Sifat Elektronik Senyawa Kalsium Borohidrid-Diamonia Sebagai Penghasil Hidrogen | M. Arsyik Kurniawan | Jurnal Eksakta 15(1-2) | 2015 | V | ||
191 | The Utilization Density Functional Theory in Structure Determination And Hydrogen Storage Properties of Ca(BH4)2∙2NH3 Compounds | M. Arsyik Kurniawan | Advances on Science and Technology: Proceedings of SESEE 2015 | 2015 | V | ||
192 | Convertion of Eugenol to Metileugenol : Computational Study And Experimental | M. Arsyik Kurniawan | International conference on chemistry, chemical process and engineering (IC3pE) | 2017 | V | ||
193 | Extraction of Ethanolic Extract of Red Betel Leaves and Its Cytotoxicity Test on HeLa Cells | Mai Anugrahwati, Tuti Purwaningsih, Rustina, J.A. Manggalarini, N.B. Alnavis, N.B. Alnavis, D.N. Wulandari, H.D. Pranowo | Procedia Engineering | 2016 | V | ||
194 | Studi Pendahuluan Penggunaan Resin Penukar Ion pada Proses Desalinasi dengan menggunakan Metode Osmosis Balik | Noor Fitri | Seminar Nasional Kimia UII, 5 Juni 2001, ISBN : 979-96595-0-7 | 2001 | V | ||
195 | Molybdenum Speciation in Raw Phloem sap of Castor Bean | Noor Fitri | Analytical Letters, Vol. 1, Issue 10, Philadelphia, USA | 2006 | V | ||
196 | Fractination of Mg Species in Phloem sap of castor Bean (Ricinus communis L) using GPC_ICP MS | Noor Fitri | 3rd National Conference on Chemistry ISBN : 979-96595-2-3, Yogyakarta | 2006 | V | ||
197 | Analysis of Boron Species in Phloem sap of Castor Bean (Ricinus communis L) using PAGE_ICP MS | Noor Fitri | Seminar Nasional Himpunan Kimia Indonesia, IPB, Bogor, 12 September 2006 | 2006 | V | ||
198 | Analisis Spesi Mangan dalam cairan Floem Tanaman Jarak (Ricinus communis L) dengan Metode PNC PAGE-ICP QMS | Noor Fitri | Seminar Nasional Forum Kerjasama Kimia Kawasan Timur Indonesia, Makasar 12-13 Juli 2007 | 2007 | V | ||
199 | Aplikasi Metode SEC-ICP QMS pada Analisis Sepesi Seng dalam Cairan Floem Tanaman Jarak (Ricinus communis L) | Noor Fitri | Seminar Ilmiah Nasional Asosiasi Akademisi Perguruan Tinggi Seluruh Indonesia (ASASI), Bogor 9-12 Agustus 2007 | 2007 | V | ||
200 | Elemental fractianation of phloem sap from Castor bean of Sephadex G-50 SF Column. (Penulis Pertama) | Noor Fitri | Proseedings of 9th Indonesian Student Scientific Meeting, Aachen Germany, 7-9 Oktober 2004, ISSN 0855-8692.Aachen Germany | 2004 | V | ||
201 | Calsium speciation in Phloem sap of Ricinus communis size exclusion chromatography | Noor Fitri | Prosiding Temu Ilmiah Internasional Mahasiswa Indonesia, London United Kingdom, 11-12 September 2004 | 2004 | V | ||
202 | Karakteristik Mineralogi dan Geokimia limbah tailing penambangan emas: Studi pendahuluan pemanfaatn spesi arsen sebagai bahan pestisida | Noor Fitri | SNK FMIPA UNY, Nopember 2011 | 2011 | V | ||
203 | Optimasi spesi arsenorganik dari limbah tailing penambangan emas sebagai bahan baku produksi green pestisida | Noor Fitri | SNK 2012 Prodi Ilmu Kimia Pasca Sarjana USU, April 2012 | 2012 | V | ||
204 | Capillary Electrophoretic Analysis of Low-Molecular-Mass of Ca Species in Phloem Sap of Ricinus Communis L | Noor Fitri Arifudin | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, Juli 2006, Vol 6. No 2. ISSN : 1411-9420 | 2006 | V | ||
205 | A Comparative Study Of Water-Steam Distillation With Water-Bubble Distillation Techniques To Increase The Quality Of Patchouli Essential Oil | Noor Fitri1, Nefri Yandi1, Hermawati2 and Tatang Shabur Julianto1 | International Conference on Chemistry, Chemical Process and Engineering (IC3PE) | 2017 | V | ||
206 | O-Methylation of Natural Phenolic Compounds Based on Green Chemistry Using Dimethyl Carbonate | Nurcahyo Imam Prakoso | Proceeding of Joint Conference on Chemistry 2015 | 2015 | V | ||
207 | Synthesis of Sodium Lignosulphonate From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches’s Lignin | Nurcahyo Iman Prakoso | International conference on chemistry, chemical process and engineering (IC3pE) | 2017 | V | ||
208 | Molecular Modeling of An Analog Of Curcumin Compounds Pentagamavunon-0 (PGV-0) And Pentagamavunon-1 (PGV-1) Through Computational Chemistry Methods Ab-Initio HF/4-31G | Nurcahyo Iman Prakoso | Indonesian Journal of Chemical Research | 2017 | V | ||
209 | Study on Lignin Isolation from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches | Nurcahyo Iman Prakoso , Suryo Purwono , Rocmadi | Eksakta: Jurnal Imu-Ilmu MIPA | 2016 | V | ||
210 | O-methylation of natural phenolic compounds based on green chemistry using dimethyl carbonate | Nurcahyo Iman Prakoso, Panji Hario Pangestu dan Tutik Dwi Wahyuningsih | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2016 | V | ||
211 | Studi Pembentukan Kompleks Iodium Kloroform dan Aplikasinya untuk Penentuan Iodium dalam Garam Dapur | Riyanto | Seminar Nasional Kimia UII, 5 Juni 2001, ISBN : 979-96595-0-7 | 2001 | V | ||
212 | Pengujian Dua Metode dalam Analisis Kimia dengan Persamaan Regresi | Riyanto | Seminar Nasional Kimia UNY, 21 Oktober 2001, ISBN : 979-9477-46-48 | 2001 | V | ||
213 | Pembelajaran Ilmu Kimia di SMU | Riyanto | Seminar Nasional Kimia UNS, 13 Oktober 2001, ISSN : 1410-4106 | 2001 | V | ||
214 | Sintesis Senyawa Organik Secara Elektrokimia (Electrosynthesis) | Riyanto | Jurnal Ilmiah EKSAKTA, FMIPA-UII Vol.2 No.4, ISSN : 1411-1047 | 2000 | V | ||
215 | Penentuan Kandungan Besi pada Air Konsumsi di Kampus Terpadu UII | Riyanto | Jurnal Ilmiah EKSAKTA FMIPA-UII Vol 5. No. 1, ISSN : 1411-1047 | 2002 | V | ||
216 | Production of Acetic Acid from Ethanol by Electrolysis (Electrosyntesis) | Riyanto | TEKNOIN, Vol.9, No. 3, September 2005, ISSN 0853-8697 | 2005 | V | ||
217 | Effect of Electrode Composition on The Morphology And Electrochemical Behavior of Ni-Cu-PVC Composite Electrode | Riyanto | World Journal of Engineering, ISSN 1704-5284, P.177 | Oktober 2009 | V | ||
218 | Elektrochemical Behaviour of Ni and Ni-PVC Electrodes for the Electrooxidation of Ethanol | Riyanto | Sains Malaysiana (2011), 12:1421-1427 | 2011 | V | ||
219 | Design and Application of Gold Metal Electrode (GME) for Electroanalysis Ascorbic Acid in Fruit Samples | Riyanto | Seminar Nasional Kimia V Tanggal 6 Juli 2011 Penulis Tunggal/Sertifikat dan Prosiding No. ISBN 978-602-99557-0-5 | 2011 | V | ||
220 | Design and Application of Metal Sheet Electrode (MSE) for Electrochemistry Research | Riyanto | Seminar Nasional Kimia V Tanggal 6 Juli 2011 Penulis Tunggal/Sertifikat dan Prosiding No. ISBN 978-602-99557-0-5 | 2011 | V | ||
221 | Electrochemical Oxidation of Ethanol Using Ni-Co-PVC Composite Electrode | Riyanto | Indonesian Journal of Chemistry,Vo.11., No.1. ISSN 1411-9420 | 2011 | V | ||
222 | Potensi Pemanfaatan Lahan Kawasan Merapi Sebagai Sentra Industri Minyak Atsiri | Riyanto | Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Kawasan Merapi Hari Selasa 8 Maret 2011 di Auditorium FTSP UII, April 2011 | 2011 | V | ||
223 | Alternatif Pengolahan Limbah Batik Dengan Cara Elektrolisis Menggunakan Elektroda Stainless Steel | Riyanto | Seminas Nasional Hasil Penelitian Hibah Bersaing, Jakarta 21-22 Juni 2011 | 2011 | V | ||
224 | Electrochemical Stability of Cu, Ni, Co, Pt and Ir Metals Sheet and Their Composite Electrodes in Potassium Hydroxide Solution | Riyanto | International Journal of, Electrochemical Science, 2012 | 2012 | V | ||
225 | Preparation and Characterization of Nano Size NiOOH by Direct Electrochemical Oxidation of Nickel Plate | Riyanto | International Journal of Electrochemical Science | 2012 | V | ||
226 | Penggunaan Bahan Penjerap Untuk Mengubah Gas Buang Pada Kendaraan Bermotor | Riyanto | Seminar Nasional Kimia dan Pendidikan Kimia, 6 Oktober 2012, UNSOED Purwokerto | 2012 | V | ||
227 | Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Ethanol by Electrochemical Synthesis Method Using Brass as A Cathode | Riyanto | Jurnal Eksakta | 2017 | V | ||
228 | Application of Electro-Oxidation Method for Treatment of Dye Textile Wastewater Using Stainless Steel Electrode: Study of Electrolyte Concentration Effect to Color Removal | Riyanto | Jurnal Eksakta | 2017 | V | ||
229 | A Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Glucose Sensor by Nickel-Epoxy Electrode with Non-Enzymatic Sensor, | Riyanto | Eksakta | 2016 | V | ||
230 | Electrosynthesis and Characterization of Cu(OH)2 Nanoparticle using Cu and Cu-PVC Electrodes in Alkaline Solution | Riyanto | Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. | 2015 | V | ||
231 | Validation of Analytical Methods for Determination of Methamphetamine Using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, | Riyanto dan Sri Wulan Nas | Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences | 2016 | V | ||
232 | Isolation and Application of the Lemongrass Essential Oil of Cymbopogon Nardus a Growth Inhibitor of Lichens on Stone Cultural Heritage, | Riyanto, Dyah Tri Untari dan Nahar Cahyandaru | Journal of Applied Chemistry | 2016 | V | ||
233 | Preparation and Applications of Clove Leaf Oil as Biopesticides Against of Lichenes on Stone Conservation at the Borobudur Conservation Bod | Riyanto, Dyah Yekti Indrajati and Nahar Cahyandaru | Proceeding of The 1st International Seminar on Chemical Education 2015 | 2015 | V | ||
234 | Synthesis of Methyl Eugenol From Crude Leaf Oil Using Acid and Based Chemicals Reactions, | Riyanto, Hardjono Sastrohamidjojo, Erni Fariyatun | Journal of Applied Chemistry | 2016 | V | ||
235 | The Effect of Electrolyte to Glucose Analysis using Electroanalytical Method by Platinum Wire Electrode | Riyanto, Haryoko P | Proceeding of The 1st International Seminar on Chemical Education 2015 | 2015 | V | ||
236 | Electrochemical Degradation of Methylen Blue Using Carbon Composite Electrode (C-PVC) in Sodium Chlorid | Riyanto, Mawazi | OSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC) | 2015 | V | ||
237 | Ammonium Ion Selective Electrode Based on Butane-1,4-diyl Bis (Chloroetanoate) | Rudy Syahputra | Seminar International Envirometal Chemistry and Toxicology, May 2002 | 2002 | V | ||
238 | Simulation Of Separation Factor In Countercurrent Extraction: Aspreadsheet Aproach | Rudy Syahputra | Jurnal Ilmiah EKSAKTA FMIPA-UII Vol 4. No. 2, ISSN : 1411-1047 | 2001 | V | ||
239 | Sintesis Senyawa Butana 1,4-Diil Bis (Chloroetanoat) dan Pemanfaatannya Sebagai Ionofor pada Elektroda Selektif Ion Ammonium | Rudy Syahputra | Jurnal Ilmiah EKSAKTA FMIPA-UII Vol 5. No. 1, ISSN : 1411-1047 | 2002 | V | ||
240 | Fitoremediasi Logam Cu dan Zn dengan Tanaman Enceng Gondok (Eichhornia Crassipes (Mart.) Solms) | Rudy Syahputra | Jurnal Penelitian Sains dan Teknologi, Logika. Vol 2. No 2. Juli 2005, ISSN : 1410-3150 | 2005 | V | ||
241 | Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Cd and Pb by Water Lottuce (Pistia Stratiotes L) | Rudy Syahputra | Jurnal Penelitian Sains dan Teknologi, Logika. Vol 2. No 2. Juli 2005, ISSN : 1410-3150 | 2005 | V | ||
242 | Fitotoksisitas Logam Cu pada Tanaman Enceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) | Rudy Syahputra | Seminar Nasional Kimia II, 31 Januari 2005, ISBN : 979-96595-1-5 | 2005 | V | ||
243 | The Study of Cultivating Pattern on The Effect of Phytoremediation of Chromium (VI) by Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and Water Lottuce (Pistia Stratiotes L) | Rudy Syahputra | Seminar on Analytical Chemistry, 9 Maret 2006, UGM Yogyakarta, ISSN : 1411-9420 | 2006 | V | ||
244 | Pengaruh Pola Tanam dan Waktu Kontak terhadap Fitoremediasi Fenol oleh Tanaman Enceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) | Rudy Syahputra | Seminar Nasional Kimia, 19 Agustus 2006, ISBN : 979-96595-2-3 | 2006 | V | ||
245 | Phenol Adsorption by Water Hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) Based on Different Cultivating Pattern | Rudy Syahputra | Seminar Nasional Kimia III, ISBN : 979-96595-2-3, 19 Agustus 2006 | 2006 | V | ||
246 | Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Cu and Zn by Water Hyacinh | Rudy Syahputra | 2nd International Seminar on Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry ISSN : 1693-0185, April 26 – 27 2006 | 2006 | V | ||
247 | Predicting Chromium Transfer from Water to Plant Based on Phytoremediation by Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia Stratiotes | Rudy Syahputra | Seminar Internasional Conference on Chemical Sciences, Mei 2007, ISSN : 1410-8313 | 2007 | V | ||
248 | Potential Use of Aluminum Drinking Water Treatment Residuals (Al-WTRs) Couple with Electrokinetic Remediation for Removal of Lead in Soil, Pioneer Spirit Award (economy, industry and energy University, Sapporo, Japan) | Rudy Syahputra | Sustainability Weeks 2010, November 2nd 2010, Hokkaido | 2010 | V | ||
249 | Combined use of electrokinetic with phytoremediation on removal of lead ion from contaminated water and soil by using Kentucky bluegrass | Rudy Syahputra | The 10th International Symposium on Electrokinetic Remediation (EREM) 2011, 17-20 July 2011, Utrecht, The Netherlands | 2011 | V | ||
250 | Aluminum drinking water treatment residuals (Al-WTRs) as an entrapping zone for lead in soil by electrokinetic remediation | Rudy Syahputra | Separation and Purification Technology, 79, 208-215. | 2011 | V | ||
251 | Presumption of the source of lead contaminated soil by isotope analysis with sequential extraction | Rudy Syahputra | BUNSEKI KAGAKU | 2012 | V | ||
252 | Application of entrapping zone on the removal of Cs by using 2D electrokinetic process | Rudy Syahputra | The 11th International Symposium on Electrokinetic Remediation (EREM) 2012, 8 – 11 July 2012 | 2012 | V | ||
253 | Carbon@Chitosan composite as catalyst on the synthesis of FAME from soybean oil with electro-catalytic | Rudy Syahputra | Int. Conf. on Energy Sci. | 2017 | V | ||
254 | Enhanced electro-catalytic process on the synthesis of fame using cao from eggshell | Rudy Syahputra | International Conference on Applied Energy | 2017 | V | ||
255 | Production Biodiesel from Used Cooking Oil with Electrolysis Method: Modification of Chitosan Gel (Hydrogel and Xerogel) | Rudy Syahputra | International conference on chemistry, chemical process and engineering (IC3pE) | 2017 | V | ||
256 | Remediation of Lead (Pb) and Copper (Cu) Using Water Hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) with Electro-Assisted Phytoremediation (EAPR) | Rudy Syahputra | 4th International Conference on Biological Science (ICBS 2015), 18- 19 September , Yogyakarta, Indonesia | 2016 | V | ||
257 | Enhanced electrolytic biodiesel production with chitosan gel (hydrogel and xerogel) | Rudy Syahputra | Procedia Engineering, 148, 609 – 614 | 2016 | V | ||
258 | Remediation of lead (Pb) and copper (Cu) using water hyacinth [Eichornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms] with electro˗assisted phytoremediation (EAPR) | Rudy Syahputra | AIP Conf. Proc. 1744, 020052-1–020052-6 | 2016 | V | ||
259 | Development of electrokinetic remediation for caesium: A feasibility study of 2D electrode configuration system | Rudy Syahputra | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 107 (2016) 012015 | 2016 | V | ||
260 | Removal Characteristics of Silver with Electrokinetic by Adsorption on Soil Mineral from Kotagede Yogyakarta | Rudy Syahputra | Prosiding International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Sciences | 2016 | V | ||
261 | Enhancement of Wastewater Treatment from Chemical Laboratory Using Subsurface Bubble of Air Generator | Rudy Syahputra | Prosiding International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and Sciences | 2016 | V | ||
262 | Removal of Lead and Copper from Contaminated Water by EAPR system | Rudy Syahputra | Procedia Chemistry 2015 | 2015 | V | ||
263 | Conversion of methy ester from Used Cooking Oil : The combined use of Electrolysis and Chitosan | Rudy Syahputra | Procedia Energy | 2015 | V | ||
264 | Development of Electrokinetic Remediation for Caesium: A Feasibility Study Of 2D Electrode Configuration System | Rudy Syahputra | Proceeding of Joint Conference on Chemistry 2015 | 2015 | V | ||
265 | The Combined Use of Electrocoagulation and Electro Assisted-Phytoremediation (EAPR) on the Wastewater Treatment of Chemical Laboratory | Rudy Syahputra | Proceeding of Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2015 | 2015 | V | ||
266 | A Couple process of electrocoagulation and electro-assisted phytoremediation using rough horsetail (Equisetum hyemale) of batik wastewater treatment | Rudy Syahputra | Int. Conf. on Math.and Nat. Sci. | 2015 | V | ||
267 | Semiempirical Study on Electronical Transition Spectra of Ethyl p-methoxycinnamate (EPMS) from Kencur (Kaempferia galanga) for Sunscreen Component | Salmahaminati | Jurnal Eksakta 15(1-2) | 2015 | V | ||
268 | Statistical t Analysis for the Solution of Prediction Trash Management in Dusun Tanjung Sari Kec. Ngaglik Kab Sleman, Yogyakarta | Salmahaminati, Atinahusna qilati, Amri Yahya | ICSAS | 2017 | V | ||
269 | Synthesis Propyl Propanoic from Propanoic Acid by Esterification Reaction | Salmahaminati, Jumina | International Conference on Applied Energy | 2017 | V | ||
270 | Synthesis biopropanol by esterification and reduction reaction | Salmahaminati, Jumina | ICSAS | 2017 | V | ||
271 | Synthesis of Polypropylene From 1-propanol Using AlCl3 Ziegler-Natta Catalyst | Salmahaminati, Jumina | AIP Conf. Proc (SCOPUS Indexed) | 2016 | V | ||
272 | Mempelajari Mekanisme Degradasi Kurkumin oleh Larutan Natrium Metanolat | Suparmi | Seminar Nasional Kimia UII, 5 Juni 2001, ISBN : 979-96595-0-7 | 2001 | V | ||
273 | Studi Pustaka Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia (Senyawa Bioaktif Usnea Sp.) | Suparmi | Seminar Nasional Kimia UNS, 13 Oktober 2001, ISSN : 1410-4106 | 2001 | V | ||
274 | Masker Chelat (Calsium Dinatrium Edetat) Sebagai Penyaring Polutan Timbal Di Udara (Studi Pustaka Kesehatan Lingkungan) | Suparmi | Jurnal Ilmiah EKSAKTA FMIPA-UII Vol 4. No. 2, ISSN : 1411-1047 | 2001 | V | ||
275 | Metabolit Sekunder Purina Sebagai Penyebab Radang Selaput Sendi | Suparmi | Jurnal Ilmiah EKSAKTA FMIPA-UII Vol 3. No. 6 | 2001 | V | ||
276 | Chitosan and N-Alkyl chitosan as a heterogeneous based catalyst in the transesterification reaction of used cooking oil | T S Julianto* and R A Mumpuni | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 012004 | 2016 | V | ||
277 | Free Solvent Isomerization of 3-carene to 2-carene using Na/o-chlorotoluene Catalyst in trans-isolimonene Production as Starting Material of Antimalarial Drug Artemisinin Synthesis | Tatang S Julianto, Jumina, Hardono Sastrohamidjojo, Mustofa, Maryanti | Proceeding of Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2015 | 2015 | V | ||
278 | Chitosan and N-Alkyl Chitosan as A Green Heterogeneous Catalyst in The Transesterification Reaction of Used Cooking Oil | Tatang Shabur J | Proceeding of Joint Conference on Chemistry 2015 | 2015 | V | ||
279 | Identifikasi Genistein dari Tempe Benguk dengan Metode Spektrofotometri UV-Tampak | Tatang Shabur Julianto | Seminar Nasional Kimia UNY, 21 Oktober 2001, ISBN : 979-9477-46-48 | 2001 | V | ||
280 | Studi Perbandingan Perlakukan Bahan dan Metode Destilasi terhadap Rendemen dan Kualitas Minyak Atsiri Jahe Emprit (Zingiber officionale) | Tatang Shabur Julianto | Seminar Nasional Kimia V, diselenggarakan oleh Prodi Kimia UII, 6 Juli 2011 | 2011 | V | ||
281 | Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Minyak Atsiri Daun Sirih (Piper betle, L.) terhadap Salmonella typhi ATCC 14028 | Tatang Shabur Julianto | Seminar Nasional Kimia V, diselenggarakan oleh Prodi Kimia UII, 6 Juli 2011 | 2011 | V | ||
282 | Solvent free isomerization of 3-carene to 2-carene using Na/o-chlorotoluene catalyst in trans-isolimonene production | Tatang Shabur Julianto | Green Chemistry Conference | 2017 | V | ||
283 | Effect of Concentrations and Volumes in Reducing Free Fatty Acid Content of Used Cooking Oil as Biodiesel Feedstock | Tatang Shabur Julianto1,a) and Suratmi1 | International conference on chemistry, chemical process and engineering (IC3pE) | 2017 | V | ||
284 | Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles using paper betle leaf extract and its electrochemical behavior on boron-doped diamond electrode | Wiyogo Prio Wicaksono | Green Chemistry Conference | 2017 | V |